Narrative 2016: Canon Perdido

November Thursday 10, Friday 11 & Saturday 12, 2016
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
UC-Santa Barbara-UC-Mexicanistas

Canon Perdido
20 years ago, at the fifth Colloquium on Mexican literature, held at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese of the University of California, Santa Barbara, a new era began for these annual (and later also international) colloquia. At that time, October 1996, accompanying the Mexican writers (Hernán Lara Zavala, Emmanuel Carballo, Beatriz Espejo, among others), and specialists in Mexican literature (Edith Negrín, Tatiana Bubnova, Merlin H, Foster, among others), we also published a book, titled El cuento mexicano. Homenaje a Luis Leal (México: UNAM, 1996), handed to don Luis Leal at the inauguration of the Colloquium.
Years later, in 2001 –a decade and a half ago–, these colloquia entered a more formal phase with the establishment of UC-Mexicanistas (Intercampus Research Program). After that year there was an increase in the formal relations with other academic and cultural institutions, mainly in Mexico, where UC-Mexicanistas periodically organizes meetings and cultural and literary activities (like those at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, or in Mérida, Yucatán, and recently in conjunction with the National Literature Coordination of Bellas Artes).